The film unfolds a beautiful series of vividly transforming black and white images going beyond the normal boundaries. The wriggling image is connected with another image and this transformation of images continues. Image denies any definite shape, but it ceaselessly expands itself throughout the film. It seems like these breathing images signify that the human being is the universe and vice versa. The film unfolds a beautiful series of vividly transforming black and white im...
The film unfolds a beautiful series of vividly transforming black and white images going beyond the normal boundaries. The wriggling image is connected with another image and this transformation of images continues. Image denies any definite shape, but it ceaselessly expands itself throughout the film. It seems like these breathing images signify that the human being is the universe and vice versa. The film unfolds a beautiful series of vividly transforming black and white images going beyond the normal boundaries. (Jay SOHN)